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Higher Education Must Rise to the Challenges and Opportunities Presented by COVID-19

 Higher Education Must Rise to the Challenges and Opportunities Presented by COVID-19 The first thing we have come to appreciate since the a...

 Higher Education Must Rise to the Challenges and Opportunities Presented by COVID-19

The first thing we have come to appreciate since the advent of the Corona-virus has been the importance of scientists and their supporters. It is clear to the world that until there is a vaccine there is no real opportunity to control the situation. Governments have tried to combat the need to reduce risk and death, and social segregation has become a key element in those efforts. There is progress being made, but it is often balanced and easy to look at, and there is always a constant risk of rising infection rates if we slow down too quickly, or simply restart life as it was before the arrival of COVID-19. The fact is that behavioral, communication and business practices need to change and there are already signs of a new emergence, aimed at the need to monitor, recognize and know the fact that anyone can catch the disease, and that anyone can spread it. But in all of this, there is an urgent need to try to get back to normal, keeping in mind the fact that this disease is always a real danger.

One area that has been hit hardest by the Corona virus has been that of higher education. Universities and colleges are closed, academic staff and sponsors are left fearing for their future, and student studies were disrupted, exams were canceled or postponed. It is as if the pause button has been pressed across the field, and yet it is the very field that provides those scientists and others who will deal with future problems. If we look at the field of higher education it soon becomes clear that the current disability does not have to exist, with a little imagination, and some technical learning can continue. Admittedly, the traditional face-to-face teaching that we were all used to being able to move on now, but various technological forums mean that scholars and students can communicate in a controlled and professional manner. Hundreds of institutions around the world have already realized that they can justify their presence through online teaching, and staff are finding this process something of a revelation. Naturally, there have been a few technical issues and mitigation issues, but once this is taken out all stakeholders seem to feel that this process is beneficial and what’s more that learning is maintained and improved.

So, what are the challenges of such a process in Bangladesh? Yes, one of the biggest obstacles to overcome this psychological challenge is resistance. Some academics and many members of leadership and management groups are not tech savvy and do not fully understand how online learning platforms can work. There are understandable concerns about the need for training, and the construction and availability of appropriate learning resources. Such processes require full commitment, and that means employees think about what is being made available and how courses or units are progressing as well as learning objectives and assessment tasks. Many employees have little or no knowledge of such learning and are therefore afraid of being exposed to such a process. Everyone needs to get involved in heuristic learning - practice learning, and overtime conflict or hostility to such learning disappears, and can be found as a recurring experience. What many institutions find that can improve units and courses that can be easily offered to students who for any reason choose to study grades. With proper planning and monitoring and testing and measurement, and security around privacy etc. There is an opportunity to embark on a growing learning path around the world.

For such learning to work in Bangladesh it is very important that all students have access to learning platforms, and this could mean that tablets and other devices become a common learning tool, one that is provided to all students and if necessary built into a financial structure. Instead of viewing these technologies as costly, they need to be seen as an asset, which helps to simplify and improve learning. It is important that the internet connection is improved and integrated, which is very important for the national economy. So, with this in mind, there are some questions that need to be asked at each HE center:

1) What readings are available online?

2) What plans are being made to improve online learning?

3) How often are staff members trained to support the introduction of online teaching?

4) What funds are set aside for the development of online learning? If not, why not?

5) What is being done to ensure that all students have access to the online learning platform?

6) What lessons are being learned from what is being done around the world?

7) Who made the change in online learning at the institution, and were they adequately supported?

8) What are the main concerns about online learning and how can they be addressed?

9) Are various stakeholders being consulted to ensure that the system is effective and efficient?

10) What measures are in place to protect IT systems from viruses and hackers?

11) Can time and resources be saved by holding more meetings through online forums?

12) How is online learning known and celebrated?

There are real opportunities for the present to re-create, not only the time of the Massacre, but also the future. The most reminiscent institutions have already realized that this is a great opportunity to embrace a great opportunity, to ensure that the sector is fit and strong. Nobody says it's easy, but it can certainly be fun. When people accept change and are helped to adapt, amazing things happen. Now is the time to use the vast IT talent in the country to ensure that it builds more in the higher education sector

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