Hey guys, welcome to https://rucheshpatil.blogspot.com/ my name is Ruchesh and in this blo g we will see about teh topic the future elect...
Hey guys, welcome to https://rucheshpatil.blogspot.com/ my name is Ruchesh and in this blog we will see about teh topic the future electrical.
We are living in a dynamic global power environment. While the power sector is leading the way towards a decarbonized energy system, electricity gains ground in many sectors and will make up about 25 percent of final energy consumption by 2040, as estimated by IEA.
How electrical engineers keep the wheels turning :-
Electrical engineers are responsible for designing, constructing and maintaining telecommunication systems, factory machinery, renewable energy equipment, spaceship navigation systems – essentially, anything that uses electricity. Electrical engineering is responsible for keeping the wheels of modern-day society turning and providing new and innovative solutions to a more efficient and green future.
electric charging station started in india :-